The Learning Club has been created in the SwayamSiddhi Institute of Management Studies and Research (SSCMR) for the current Academic year to foster and promote the spirit of learning and Knowledge Sharing amongst the Faculty Fraternity.
Accordingly, two Learning Club Sessions have been scheduled with one professor conducting one session every month starting from Jan 2021 onwards. The planned and achieved sessions for Quarter Jan to Mar 2021 is given below
The Inaugural Session was taken by Dr. Arloph John Vieira, Director, SSCMR on the topic,” A Professional Manager’s Journey: The Three Decades (1986 to 2019)” on January 28,2021, while the second session was conducted by Prof.Ujwal Dokania on “An Overview of Key Taxation proposals included in Union Budget 2021”
The third session for the Learning Club was conducted by Prof.Suhas Jategaonkar on “Marketing of Agricultural Produce for the farmers,” on March 27,2021.
The fourth Session in the Learning Club Series was conducted by Prof.Dharmaraja Ganeshan on May 25 on the topic, “Bring out the leader in you.”