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The maiden “Virtual Talent Hunt 2021” contest was conducted in a very spirited and enthusiastic manner by the SSCMR Cultural Club on April 26,2021.
The event saw active participation from 11 Student contestants who had sent video entries ranging from events like Dance to Solo Singing to Nature Photography to Wall Painting.
The entire program was conceptualized and hosted by Prof.Prasenjit K. Yesambare and Judged brilliantly by Prof.Dharmaraja Ganeshan & Prof.Prasenjit K. Yesambare.
Following Contestants were declared as winners by the Judges Panel:
1.First Prize - Pranali Jadhav - Dance
2.Second Prize - Umar Momin – Poem Recitation
3.Third Prize Winners – Anita Samaletti – Wall Painting, Anjali Singh – Drawing & Suraj Kumhar – Photography.

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